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  • A Simple Tip to Get More Out of Your Protein Smoothie

A Simple Tip to Get More Out of Your Protein Smoothie

Ask and you shall receive (a better smoothie)

You think your ripped berry smoothie is good for you? Do you punk? - created in Midjourney

I learned to appreciate protein from my personal trainer, Darrin Robinson. Foul-mouthed sonofabitch that guy, but man did he change my life for the better. In addition to getting me in shape for the first time in my life, he taught me 70% of looking good is about what you eat, not what you can bench. Love you Darrin!

So I’ve been drinking protein shakes of one form or another for years now, but only recently wore a continuous glucose monitor for two weeks, and what did I discover? Slurping away on a delicious Ripped Berry protein smoothie from Booster Juice? Note: I don’t get paid for promoting them. You’ll see why in a moment.

After having my healthy and yummy Ripped Berry protein smoothie, my glucose monitor went into the yellow range of over 10 mmol/L, and I did a double take - from a healthy smoothie? Then I looked at the nutrition information and saw that there were 70g of carbs in it, nearly all sugar. Dayam!

So next time I went to Booster Juice I asked if there was a version with fewer carbs. The cashier said, “We could remove the yogurt?”

Removing the yogurt didn’t seem like it would accomplish what I wanted, isn’t that where the protein is too? But I went with it, got the smoothie and found it tasted a little more sour, but it was ok.

The yogurt thing bugged me though so I opened up MyFitnessPal and typed in ‘Booster Ripped no yogurt’ to see if they had nutritional info on that version. There was no such result, BUT there was one that said ‘no honey’. What? There’s honey in a protein smoothie?

So then I went to the Booster Juice nutrition info website and found out there are 30g of added sugar from the honey. Half the entire carb load, 30 grams!

One more trip to the store, and I asked for a Ripped Berry smoothie without honey. The cashier said “yep, no problem” and 4 minutes later I was tasting what seemed to be my regular drink, despite the lack of honey.

I asked the server (smoothista?) if he had remembered to take out the honey and he said, “Yeah, man, there’s no honey in there.”

Yet it tasted the same. Why would you deliberately make a drink less healthy without improving the taste?

Here’s why. All these companies, they just want you to buy their stuff. They’re not trying to make your life better. They’re not trying to make you healthy. They’re just trying to get your dollars.

You and you alone are responsible for your well being. Learn the vocabulary of medicine to be able to understand what’s going on with your own body. Know A1C, VO2 Max, when BMI is relevant, and whether you have genetic markers for diseases. Read Outlive by Peter Attia.

There are so many ways to eat healthier - avoid processed foods, avoid red meat, avoid dairy, get more protein, avoid carbs. It just doesn’t end. What you have to do is pick a system, a regimen, NOT a diet, that you can stick with long term, and then track it.

In the case of the Ripped Berry protein smoothie, there is no godly reason for there to be that much sugar in a drink purporting to be good for you. But it’s on you to read the label. They probably added honey because it makes the product look more attractive. But 30 grams worth? What the fuck is wrong with you people??? You know that 1 gram would let you put the word ‘honey’ on the menu board right?

Our government in a moment of clarity required companies to disclose the content of their food products. But it’s on us to read the labels.

And when you buy a product you like, you can always ask for a healthier version. Less sugar. A smaller portion. Make it vegetarian if that’s your jam. It’s on you, because capitalism makes damn sure that Booster Juice isn’t going to do it for you.

But they will if you ask.

  1. Continuous glucose monitoring story

  2. Darrin Robinson the amazing TikTok fitness trainer

  3. Outlive by Peter Attia, about taking charge of your health

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